You see, when I lay out in the sun, it is not just for vanity sake. (Believe me, with a body like mine, no one can accuse me of being vain!) It's for the feeling of the warm sun and soft, gentle breeze on my skin, hearing birds chirping and hearing the rustling of the leaves with said gentle breeze. It is a reminder to me that life is so much more than the demands that usually clutter my mind. It is my own personal communion, revival, and refreshment time with God, our Creator.
Several years ago, I heard a teaching by Joyce Meyers entitled, "Mount Up With Wings As Eagles" using the Isaiah 40:31 verse. In the teaching, Joyce talked about the ways of eagles- how they live their lives. One of the things she shared was when eagles' wings get dirty, tattered, and heavy with just the use and abuse of living in the world, eagles will fly up to a high place, find a rock, pluck out their feathers, and just lie basking in the sun until their feathers grow back.
Of course, it's easy to see the correlation of the Christian life and the life of the eagle in that scenario. However, it wasn't until last month that I have to say I received revelation on why laying out in the sun is so refreshing for me.
Our friends, Dave and Soni, had moved to Florida last year. We had talked about going to visit them at Christmas time, but ended up not making it. Throughout January and into the first week of February, I felt like I was just dealing with one thing right after another. Nothing earth shattering, just those things that tend to weigh down one's wings and bring feelings of agitation. Plus, I was struggling with the decision on whether it was time for me to take a new job position or stay at my current job position. I just wanted to be in God's will, but didn't have perfect peace with either choice.
On Thursday night that first week of February, I talked with my husband, Andy, about just going down to visit Dave and Soni. A change of pace and scenery might just give me the clarity of thought I needed. Plus, getting out of the cold Indiana winter for a few days was a very welcoming thought. I called Soni to see if we could make an impromptu visit, and as usual, Soni, Dave, and son, Patrick, were very welcoming.
Less than 48 hours later, we were on the road to Florida. I suppose on the trip down you could say I was plucking my feathers out. Because, I kid you not, within the first two hours of basking in the sun on that white sandy beach, I had clarity of mind, peace in my spirit, and was free of confusion and agitation. That was when God reminded me of the Joyce Meyers' teaching on eagles and how I am really no different than an eagle. I need my time basking in the sun so I can be refreshed by The Son.
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Jodi and Soni enjoying time on the beach |
With warm temperatures on the horizon, you can count on me carving out a few hours to soak up the sun/ Son this spring. If you the need to be refreshed, you might just want to throw on your tanning gear and join me. You'll have to be quiet, though, as we listen to the breeze and the birds. Who knows, we may even see an eagle flying overhead.